Daily Insights. Shared.

  • Ambition: “Don’t Ask Why”

    Jay Z’s “Empire State of Mind” is playing on Spotify.  The highway begins to fade as I drift into my thoughts and the steering wheel becomes an extension of my arm.  The car nearly drives itself. Ambition. Few traits are as powerful to create change, both in one’s own life and in the world around…

  • Uncertainty and Still Being Curious

    PASSION Why not shut down? There is so much out there that could go wrong as the universe is really just a game of chance (physics speaking here). Quantum mechanics is weirder, even than me, so I don’t understand it well enough to dwell on this for too long. But I will say that, at…

  • Curiosity as a Mantra: Why Staying Curious is a Recipe for Success

    Let’s start with a hypothetical. Imagine that every person on earth has two traits, those being curiosity and imagination. What would the world look like? Keep that in mind. Interestingly, one of those two is a choice. One can choose to be curious and with that comes imagination, over time. Without being curious, imagination simply…

  • We Were Not Made For This

    The growing pains we are going to experience as a side of effect of protecting free speech cannot be enough to limit free speech itself. To put it plainly, and as a roadmap for this article, I’ll say this: the greater the number of venues that we able are to speak freely in, the greater…

  • Values vs Politics


  • Curious: They Only Wanted Attention

    All of the evil in the world wants attention. Bad/narcissistic bosses want to draw attention to themselves. Terrorists want attention drawn to their cause. School bullies want attention drawn to their own pain. This post is part of a series of posts on remaining curious in all situations in life. Enjoy. CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Western culture…

  • Values vs Politics

    I have friends on both sides of the political aisle.  I still have not introduced them, guilty as charged.  In fact, I’m pretty sure they don’t know the others even exist, which is for the best. I don’t take sides anymore, at least not intentionally. As well, I think disliking someone based on their political…

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